Croatian part of Adriatic consists of 1186 islands, islets and cliffs.

Pakleni island archipelago. Overlooking Vis island.

More-potezanje ribarske mreze migavica,ribe
foto:Tom Dubravec

LIFE STYLE-podvodni ribolov-Seatec vikend-Milan Budimski i skrpina
Foto:Tom Dubravec

Food under the baking lid is a special way of preparing meals in Dalmatia.

Croatian coast line of the Adriatic is 1777km long. Average summer temperatures of the sea are between 23 and 28 C.

Basketball competition is a part of Split Adventure’s team building games.

Dugi Otok 24 06 2009
Plaza Saharun na juznoj strani Dugog Otoka, jedna od najljepsih plaza Jadrana
Snimio Zvonimir Barisin/Cropix

Beach parties are popular all along the coast

Cro Challenge was the first adventure race in Croatia.


Cro Challenge adventure race in National park Paklenica near the city of Zadar

Zubatac (lat. Dentex Dentex) or’the king of the sea’ is one of the most valuable and most wanted fish in the Adriatic sea

Snorkeling is a simple and great way to explore the underwater of the Adriatic sea.

Adriatic sea is ideal for apnea – sport where the diver, diving with one breath exceeds the distance in length, depth or time.

LIFE STYLE–podvodni ribolov-Seatec vikend-pejsazi otocica Brusnik kod Sveca-crna gusterica
Foto:Tom Dubravec

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Imotski town – Blue lake stand up paddling tour

More-podvodni ribolov-SeaTec vikend-Brusnik,Vedrana Vidovic i meduza
Foto:Tom Dubravec

Lavender fields on the island of Hvar

More-podvodni ribolov-SeaTec vikend-Bisevo-Nikola Demarija i Modra spilja
Foto:Tom Dubravec

Malo Grablje, Otok Hvar, 260814. Mlijecna staza promatrana iz napustenog sela. Malo grablje je napusteno selo vec preko 50godina te se osim u ljetnim mjesecima moze nac poneki posjetioc koji navrati u jedno seosko gospodarstvo, te bar u ljetnim mjesecima ovaj biser bude posjecen.
Na fotografiji: Pogled na Mlijecnu stazu iz Malog Grablja.
Foto: Zvonimir Barisin / CROPIX

Duce-Dugi Rat, 170712. Kristina i Kristijan nakon sto su jedan drugom obecali dozivotno Da, jucer su na plazi u Ducama priredili spektakl sa svojim skokom u more, te su mnogobrojni posjetitelji u cudjenju gledali sto oni rade.
Na slici Kristina i Kristijan skacu u more u Vjencanici i odjelu.
Foto: Zvonimir Barisin/CROPIX

Young men play a traditional ball game at the beach in the southern Adriatic town of Split 16 May 2006, despite rather cold water temperatures of the sea, as they practice for a European Championship in June. Croatia, whose valuable tourist industry has gradually recovered from the 1991-1995 war, last year hosted some 10 million tourists, more than twice the local population. The Balkan country hopes that this year the figure will be even higher. AFP PHOTO/Stringer
Foto:Tom Dubravec

Croatian climber Ivica Matković climbs to the top of the 60m bell tower of Splits patron St Domnius.

Life Style-avanturisticki turizam-slobodno penjanje-Jelena i Igor
Foto:Tom Dubravec

Pustinjska oluja na plazi u Omisu
Foto:Tom Dubravec

Sea kayaking around Dubrovnik city walls, fortress St Ivan.

Split is the second biggest city in Croatia.

Stand up paddling on Cetina river.

Team building games on Cetina river

Split, 021012. Olujno grmljavnisko nevrjeme koje je tjekom noci zahvatilo Split i okolicu, priredilo je nezaboravni spektakl koji je trajao cjelu noc.
Na slici pogled na Split sa Zvjezdarnice na Mosoru.
Foto: Zvonimir Barisin/CROPIX

Split, 110714. Prvi dan Ultra Europe Festivala na Poljudu.
Na fotografiji: Detalj sa prve veceri.
Foto: Zvonimir Barisin / CROPIX

Island of volcanic origin Brusnik located in the middle of the Adriatic sea, west from Vis island.

Sunken American warplane from WW II (Liberator B24) on 39m depth; south side of Vis island.

Meastral is a north-west wind that blows from the sea to the land during summer and sometimes makes big waves. Enjoying the waves on Lokrum island.

More-podvodni ribolov-SeaTec vikend-Svetac,Darko Zanki i grozdje,mali plavac,jematva
Foto:Tom Dubravec